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Pastor’s Column: February 15th & 16th
This weekend: February 15th 16th, we have the annual In Pew Appeal for Catholic Charities 2025. I thank you for your past generous support for the mission of the Church through the Catholic Charities Appeal. Catholic Charities in Northeast Ohio is one of the oldest Catholic Charities networks in the United States, serving nearly 400,000 people each year through 150 services and 60 locations in the eight counties of our Diocese. For more than 110 years, Catholic Charities has provided help and hope for those who are most vulnerable and most in need, especially now during the health crisis of the past few years.
God calls each of us to share the gifts that He has provided in support of the Church. As Catholics we must first support our parish, then our Diocese and the Church throughout the world. The Catholic Charities Appeal is a very effective way to support ministries outside of our parish boundaries; ministries that serve people who are most in need, here in our community and throughout our diocese.
The theme for the 2025 Catholic Charities Appeal “Make me a channel of your peace” reminds us that we have the power to be peace for someone in need. Your generosity makes this possible.
We came very close to making our goal in 2024. Now in 2025, our goal is $11,469.00. I hope and pray we make our goal. We will pass out pledge envelopes after the homily this week. Everyone will be asked to fill out a pledge envelope. Like St. Francis of Assisi, we are being asked to open our hearts to embrace the poor. I am asking everyone to consider making a pledge to the Catholic Charities Appeal.
Looking Ahead: Sunday, March 2nd at 11:15 a.m. is our Mardi Gras Social and Raffle. Thank you for sending in your raffle tickets. Hopefully, many of you will come to our social. Feel free to invite your family and friends.
Wednesday, March 5th is Ash Wednesday. We will have Masses at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. We will have a Liturgy of the Word at 12:00 noon. Plan to attend one of these 3 services.
We are mailing out the schedule for Lent/Holy this week. Please mark your calendars for one of more of our services.
Saturday, February 22nd: we are scheduled to volunteer at the Ozanam Center at Holy Name from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please consider volunteering for this important ministry. We always need volunteers.
Sunday, February 23rd, at 11:15 a.m. there is a St. Vincent de Paul meeting in the rectory. New members are welcome.
hank you for your support of our Parish and the poor.
Father Jasany
Please pray for:
Ryan Aato, Katherine Angelone, Rondell Atwater, James Baker, The Bailey Family, Freida Bailey, Brian Barnes,
Chester Betliskey, Mary Ann Betliskey, Ted Branche, Lori Bussey, Pete Carr, April Cipo,
Kathy Cermak, Donna Czyzynski, Kathy Daveduk, Tom Daveduk, Matt Deka, Bobbie Deccola, Joseph Deccola,
Bonnie Donovan, Dick Donovan, Vicky Drucker, Noreen Dlouhy, Katherine Dolniar, Barb Egan, Mary Florek,
Shelley Forbes, Stan Frankel, Jim Geller, Hanna Green, Annette Golkowski, Del Gorris, Dave Grirsmec Tyler Gurcze, Marcedia Johnson, The Jorski Family, Bill Karpinski, Patti Kicielinski, Kelly Lister, Stefania Loszak, Grant Kaurich, Barbie Laboy, Amy Latawiec, Richard Leonard, John Malecki, Lynda Mangan, Jacqueline Malecki, Ann Marie Medve, Jeanette Miller, Cameron Milton, Keenan Montgomery, Joe Morrish, Donna Murrin, Joan Nagy, Diane Nicholas,
Art Novotny, Joe Oravec, Eleanor Peshek, Steve Pucciani, Travis Puchajda, Angie Rasch, Amber Rasch, Valeria Rasch, Patricia Rhine, Debbie Rhoads, Joel Rivera, Colleen Schmerick, Angela Shields, Allison Seneff, Bob Seneff Jr.,
Karen Seneff, Norman Seneff, Ralph Seneff, Rich Seneff Jr., Tony Seneff, Don & Linda Schilling, Steven Sheridan,
Angela Shield, Gabe Siorille, Josephine Sindelar, James Slechta, Nancy Slusarczyk, Kellie Span, Elaine Stack, Robert Stack, Marilyn Siwek, Irene Sundstrom, Jimmy Teresi, Kelly Wahals, Julie Greg Wisniewski, Melanie Womble
and Carl Zelenskas
February 10, 2025 |
Sunday Offertory | 1861.15 |
Memorial | 10.00 |
First Offering |
Maintenance | 51.00 |
Capital Improvement | 142.00 |
Utilities | 37.00 |
SVDP | 23.00 |
Novena Lights | 32.25 |
Assessments | 6.00 |
SVDP (Tom) | 60.00 |
Immaculate Conception |
3.00 |
Campaign for Human Development |
3.00 |
Military Service | 3.00 |
First Offering | 5.00 |
Religious Retirement | 3.00 |
Christmas | 5.00 |
El Salvador/Latin America |
25.00 |
Christmas Flowers | 5.00 |
On Line Giving | 505.00 |
Total | 2779.00 |